Click to see the Girlbrand Guitar Gallery
Click to see the Girlbrand Guitar Gallery


Before it looked that cool ...
Before it looked that cool ...

I wanted a big, fat Les-Paul-and-Semi-hybrid.

Wider and longer than a Les Paul,

massive and solid and yet

with an open and airy sound as well...

Is that possible?

It started with Photoshop,

a lot of work with bézier-curves

and an aching back

the right body shape?
the right body shape?
chambering? Where, how? - Not like this!... I needed professional advice
chambering? Where, how? - Not like this!... I needed professional advice
contouring the top? And finding lines that help find the right spots for the knobs and switches...
contouring the top? And finding lines that help find the right spots for the knobs and switches...
horizontal and vertikal lines helping to measure more precisely ...
horizontal and vertikal lines helping to measure more precisely ...
... and it looked neat, too!
... and it looked neat, too!
how many pots and switches?
how many pots and switches?
This is where I got a cosy room and a fantastic breakfast for 35 euros a night. The landlady is a perfect host and such a nice and friendly lady. And she really has style, too! Liebe Grüsse und vielen, vielen Dank, Marie Louise!
This is where I got a cosy room and a fantastic breakfast for 35 euros a night. The landlady is a perfect host and such a nice and friendly lady. And she really has style, too! Liebe Grüsse und vielen, vielen Dank, Marie Louise!
Stratmann Originals. Vital equipment arriving.
Stratmann Originals. Vital equipment arriving.
Thomas Stratmann in his shop. Click to enlarge!
Thomas Stratmann in his shop. Click to enlarge!
the flame maple top has just been sawn in two halves that are now being glued together. That is called bookmatching.
the flame maple top has just been sawn in two halves that are now being glued together. That is called bookmatching.
big sipo one-piece back, bookmatched maple top, plywood template made after my digital paper drawing
big sipo one-piece back, bookmatched maple top, plywood template made after my digital paper drawing
chambers were routed and also the channel that connects the toggle  with the pots.
chambers were routed and also the channel that connects the toggle with the pots.
Back and top were glued together and then there was this a real nerve wrecking job at the bandsaw to be done. Don`t fuck this up
Back and top were glued together and then there was this a real nerve wrecking job at the bandsaw to be done. Don`t fuck this up
nice but not that puzzling
nice but not that puzzling
The monstrous router. Very powerful and scary. The plywood template leads the router in order to cut the precise body outline. Thomas did this for me. Thanks, Thomas!
The monstrous router. Very powerful and scary. The plywood template leads the router in order to cut the precise body outline. Thomas did this for me. Thanks, Thomas!
scary Dr. Frankie is sanding the body outline of his beautiful Les Paul interpretation
scary Dr. Frankie is sanding the body outline of his beautiful Les Paul interpretation
contouring the top
contouring the top
... and contouring the back. I really enjoyed this a lot!
... and contouring the back. I really enjoyed this a lot!

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the making of my Stratmann Paula

part 2.



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